Monday, 16 April 2012

Lockdown Results – April 15th, 2012

Steel Cage Match for the TNA Knockout Women’s Championship – Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky

Kim attacks Velvet right away, hitting her with a shot to the gut and slamming her head first into the turnbuckle. Velvet reverses a suplex into a small package. Velvet goes for roll up after roll up, but she’s caught with a kick to the head from Kim. Gail uses her knee to choke Velvet against the middle rope. Gail hits Velvet with a bit right hand, and a running knee to the back. Gail chokes Velvet with her boot in the corner. Velvet blocks a turnbuckle smash in the corner and begins fighting back, hitting Gail with repeated rights and slamming Gail’s face into her knee. Gail goes to the top and hits a missile dropkick that lays Velvet out for a two count.
Gail hits a backbreaker and stretches Velvet across her knee before taking her to the mat and locking in the stretch muffler. Sky fights it off, but Gail comes running out of the corner with a big running clothesline that’s good for a near fall. Gail takes Velvet down to the mat with what’s almost a dragon sleeper. Velvet fights up to her feet, and gets out of the hold with a jawbreaker. Kim slams Velvet’s head into the corner turnbuckle before slapping her. Kim charges into the corner, but Velvet moves and Kim crashes into the ring post and cage wall.
Sky hits a series of clotheslines and back elbows before hitting Kim with a head scissors. Sky hits Kim with a basement dropkick before taking her across the ring with a bulldog. Sky pulls Kim to the middle of the ring. Kim kicks her away and goes up to the top. Velvet stops Kim from escaping and hits her with a couple of knees to the face. Velvet hits a sunset bomb out of the corner, planting Kim on the back of her head.
Velvet goes for the pin, but Gail is able to get her hand on the rope. Madison is able to distract Velvet for a second and Gail crawls toward the cage door. Velvet stops her with a roll up, but Gail reverses and hold on to the tights for a three count.
Winner and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim
Gail and Madison quickly make their way to the back while Velvet recovers in the ring. Velvet makes her way to the back, apologizing to the fans for letting them down.

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